We have named our club for children Caleb’s Club to honor a young man, Caleb Koke, who died tragically in young age. Caleb devoted all his life to children, building relationships with them throughout sport and fun and he brought a lot of joy into their lives. Touched by his story we would like to to encourage young people to follow Caleb’s example and bring hope, joy and love into the lives of those little ones in need.
Since the very beginning of its existence our Fund has been helping children organizing summer camps, various trips and a club for children opened 7 days a week. Now we intend to use a whole wing of the new building to this purpose.
We want to discover all the needs and problems of every child and help to solve them as well as to discover and develop children’s their talents. We want to create conditions in which every child will be able to develop its interpersonal skills, strength and self confidence.